Become a Host Family in Australia

Become a Host Family in Australia

Become a Host Family in Australia
Become a Host Family in Australia

Become a Host Family in Australia

As you become a host family in Australia, it provides a unique opportunity to welcome and support international students during their educational journey. With a growing number of international students choosing to study in Australia, the demand for caring and welcoming host families has increased. In fact, the head count of international students studying on a student visa reached an impressive 546,678 during the January-February 2023 period, representing a substantial 26% increase compared to the same period last year.

Australia boasts a diverse range of secondary and postsecondary schools, catering to the needs and interests of international students. From prestigious boarding schools to renowned universities, there are numerous educational institutions across the country that attract students from all corners of the globe. With such a wide array of schools available, the need for supportive and nurturing host families becomes paramount.

As you become a host family in Australia, you have the invaluable opportunity to provide international students with a safe and welcoming home away from home. By opening your doors and embracing cultural diversity, you can contribute to the growth and development of these students while forging lasting connections and friendships. To become a host family in Australia is not only a rewarding experience but also a chance to foster intercultural understanding and create lifelong memories.


Homestay in Australia offers international students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and experience daily life in an Australian household. As you become a host family in Australia, opening your home to these students provides them with a supportive and nurturing environment where they can thrive academically and personally.

To become a host family in Australia means welcoming an international student into your home and treating them as a member of your family. Homestay arrangements typically involve providing a private room for the student and offering meals, as well as sharing daily activities and responsibilities. By offering a warm and inclusive environment, families who choose to become a host family in Australia play a crucial role in helping students adjust to their new surroundings, fostering a sense of belonging and security.

Homestay offers numerous benefits for both the student and the host family. For international students, it provides an opportunity to improve their English language skills by engaging in conversations with native speakers on a daily basis. Living with a host family also allows them to gain insight into Australian customs, traditions, and way of life, enhancing their cultural understanding and adaptability. Moreover, the support and guidance provided by host families can greatly contribute to the academic success and overall well-being of the students.

As you become a host family in Australia, engaging in homestay offers its own set of rewards. You have the chance to form meaningful connections with students from diverse backgrounds, expanding your own cultural horizons and learning about their customs and traditions. Homestay can be a mutually enriching experience, as you share meals, stories, and experiences, fostering a sense of global community within your own home. It is an opportunity to make a positive impact on a student's life, helping them navigate their educational journey and creating lifelong memories.

To become a host family in Australia, there are certain requirements and processes to follow. These may include completing an application form, providing references, undergoing background checks, and attending orientation sessions. The relevant homestay organization or educational institution will guide you through these steps and ensure that you meet the necessary criteria to provide a safe and supportive environment for international students.

Homestay in Australia is a vital component of the experience for many international students. By opening your home and becoming a host family, you can contribute to their educational and personal growth, while also benefiting from the enriching cultural exchange that takes place. 

Become a Host Family in Australia
Become a Host Family in Australia

Requirements to Become a Host Family in Australia

To become a host family in Australia is an incredible opportunity to open your doors and hearts to international students, providing them with a warm and nurturing environment during their studies. To embark on this meaningful journey, there are certain requirements and expectations that host families need to meet.

One of the key requirements to become a host family in Australia is ensuring that you have a safe and suitable home for the student. This means providing a comfortable living space that meets basic standards, including a private bedroom furnished with a bed, study area, and storage. Creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere will make the student feel at ease and help them adjust to their new surroundings.

In addition to a suitable home, as a requirement to become a host family in Australia, the family must demonstrate good character and pass background checks. These checks typically involve obtaining police clearances or working with children checks to ensure the safety and well-being of the student. This step is crucial in creating a secure environment for everyone involved.

People who choose to become a host family in Australia play a vital role in offering support and guidance to the international student. They should be willing to treat the student as a member of the family, involving them in daily activities, and encouraging cultural exchange. Building a strong and inclusive bond with the student can greatly enhance their experience and facilitate their integration into the Australian way of life.

Effective communication skills are essential for successful host families. Being able to communicate openly and clearly with the student is key in building a positive relationship. Host families should be attentive listeners and address any concerns or issues that may arise, fostering an environment of trust and understanding.

Flexibility and adaptability are qualities that should possess those who want to become a host family in Australia, as international students come from diverse backgrounds with unique needs. Being open-minded and accommodating can help create an inclusive environment where the student feels valued and respected.

Participation in orientation and training sessions is often required for host families. These sessions provide valuable information on cultural differences, expectations, and the responsibilities of being a host family. Attending these sessions demonstrates your commitment to creating a supportive and enriching experience for the student.

It's important to remember that specific requirements may vary depending on the homestay program or organization you choose to work with. It's recommended to reach out directly to the homestay provider or educational institution to obtain detailed information about their specific requirements and the application process.

By meeting these requirements, you have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on an international student's life, providing them with a home away from home and contributing to their educational journey in Australia. Your role as a host family is invaluable in creating a welcoming and supportive environment where students can thrive and create unforgettable memories.

Become a Host Family in Australia
Become a Host Family in Australia


As you become a host family in Australia, it offers a range of advantages, not only for the international student but also for your own family, particularly if you already have children. Opening your home to an international student can be a rewarding experience that brings numerous benefits.

First and foremost, hosting an international student provides a unique opportunity for cultural exchange. Your family and children will have the chance to learn about different cultures, traditions, and perspectives firsthand. It's a chance to broaden your horizons, expand your global awareness, and foster a sense of appreciation for diversity.

To become a host family in Australia for an international student can also enrich your family life. Your children will have the opportunity to develop friendships with students from around the world, creating lasting connections and building their own global network. These friendships can lead to unique experiences, such as learning about different languages, cuisines, and traditions, which can broaden their understanding of the world.

Furthermore, as you become a host family in Australia for an international student, it can enhance your children's educational experience. Interacting with a student from another country can provide valuable insights and promote curiosity and critical thinking. It can spark an interest in global affairs, language learning, and cross-cultural communication. Your children may even develop lifelong interests and career aspirations based on their interactions with international students.

To become a host family in Australia for a student can also foster a sense of responsibility and empathy in your children. They will learn to be considerate, tolerant, and compassionate towards others. By welcoming a student into your home, you are teaching your children valuable life skills and helping them develop a strong sense of empathy and understanding.

From a practical standpoint, to become a host family in Australia for an international student can also provide financial benefits. Many homestay programs provide financial compensation to host families to help cover the costs associated with hosting a student. This additional income can be used to support your family's needs or contribute to savings for your children's education or other future plans.

Lastly, to become a host family in Australia for an international student can create lifelong connections and lasting memories for your family. The bonds formed during the student's stay can extend beyond their time in Australia, leading to long-term friendships and opportunities for cultural exchange. Your family may even have the chance to visit the student in their home country in the future, further expanding your horizons.


In case, if you prefer to Become a Host Family in Australia, please fill in application below or contact us directly.


Homestay Family Application

Please specify any additional information, which should be considered for future student: special arrangements, health considerations, etc.
Please provide your ID for verification and family profile.
Please provide your resume for the family profile.
Please provide photo of private room for future international student.