For quality services - start working with us today


The Custodian Australia- is an Australian Guardianship company, which assists minor international students, parents and companies with guardianship & accommodation services all over Australia & New Zealand , help with admission to schools and study visa in Australia . Our team has 40 guardians and 250 homestay families which  will be able to assist any requests for any Welfare Arrangements , which minor international students and their parents may needs with aim to study in Australia. Also, our company cooperates with 200+ schools, such as Language schools, high schools, colleges and universities and will be glad to offer proper study options for future minor students in Australia.

Our Vision:

We believe in safe and confident stay of international students in Australia & New Zealand and their parents overseas.

Our Objective:

To support local Australian schools and international students with safe and comfortable stay in Australia with aim to get quality education in Australia & New Zealand.


Guardianship in Australia & New Zealand
Most Regions of Both countries
Homestay Services in Australia & New Zealand
All over Country
Study Visa
Immigration Professionals
Guardianship & Accommodation Clients
International Students
Study Visa Processed
School Partners

For quality services - start working with us today