



With campuses in Melbourne, Darwin and Keysborough, Haileybury is a distinguished private school, with its presence spanning across multiple campuses, and even an international campus in the Tianjin outer district of Wuqing, China. The school's holistic approach to education extends to both domestic and global settings, catering to diverse needs and aspirations.

The school's commitment to fostering global connections is evident in its strong relationships with educational institutions in various countries. Haileybury has established valuable partnerships with schools in China, Japan, France, Sri Lanka, England, Indonesia, and Timor-Leste. These partnerships not only enrich the cultural diversity within the school community but also provide students with a broader perspective on the world.

Programs in Haileybury

The journey at Haileybury Early Learning Centres (ELC) marks an exciting beginning filled with promise. It's a phase where children embark on a path of exploration, discovery, and growth, all while nurturing their distinct abilities and igniting a lifelong passion for learning.

Haileybury's educational approach is finely tuned to cater to each developmental stage, culminating in the cultivation of resilient, independent learners armed with a strong work ethic and essential skills like decision-making, leadership, and enterprise. The school's mission is to see its students emerge as well-rounded, globally prepared young citizens, equipped not only with academic prowess but also the drive to actively contribute to society.

Recognizing the significance of early learning years, Haileybury harnesses the insights from the Early Years Learning Framework to craft a series of enriching ELC programs. This curriculum taps into the essence of play-based learning, crafting a nurturing environment where each child's engagement thrives, fostering attributes like individual creativity, social adeptness, emotional well-being, critical thinking, and a sense of belonging.

Within this immersive realm of play-based activities, elements like Language and Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Social Thinking, Inclusion and Diversity, Child Safety, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultural Perspectives find a harmonious space. This amalgamation intends to set a holistic foundation for the young learners, encompassing diverse aspects of knowledge and understanding.

The Haileybury Explicit Teaching Model takes the Junior School experience to the next level. By nurturing the core skills of literacy and numeracy and infusing them with vital thinking and problem-solving abilities, this model serves as a bedrock for engaging with all subjects effectively. Junior School becomes an arena where knowledge blooms across a comprehensive spectrum: from Health, History, and Geography Inquiry units fostering research and critical thinking skills, to the Visual Arts, Music, Drama, and Physical Education nurturing creative, expressive outlets.

The Haileybury journey is thoughtfully tailored to each educational stage. It instills in its students resilience, independence, and an arsenal of critical skills that pave the way for their success in a rapidly changing world. As they bid farewell to Haileybury, these young individuals carry with them a profound love for learning, a readiness to thrive globally, and a fervor to actively contribute to their communities.

Language acquisition is another integral facet of the Haileybury curriculum. From Chinese in Years 5 and 6 to a choice between Chinese, French, or Japanese in Years 7 and 8, language study becomes a bridge to cultural understanding and communication skills. Those displaying a penchant for languages can even engage in accelerated language study, further enhancing their linguistic capabilities.

Haileybury's Pre-Senior School is a distinctive and immensely valuable phase that bridges the transition from Middle School to Senior School. Here, students continue to unfold their knowledge and skills within a comprehensive curriculum that's firmly anchored in academic excellence.

Staying true to the Parallel Education Model, students reap the benefits of focused study while also cherishing opportunities to foster social connections. This balanced approach recognizes the multifaceted growth that young individuals undergo during this critical period.

The Haileybury educational journey remains attuned to the unique requirements of each stage. It forges tenacious and self-reliant learners, nurturing not only a robust work ethic but also equipping them with pivotal decision-making, leadership, and enterprise skills. As Haileybury students step out into the world, they are indeed well-rounded citizens, brimming with an ardent love for learning, geared to take on global challenges, and motivated to be active contributors to society.

The ethos of gender-specific classes is upheld in the Senior School to ensure a seamless progression from adolescence to young adulthood. This approach, marked by separate study and recreation zones, coupled with shared communal spaces, fosters both social development and personal character enhancement. As these students inch closer to their independent lives, they navigate a unique educational environment that nurtures their holistic growth.

The Senior School curriculum, marked by its richness, extends a tapestry of VCE studies and Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects. Haileybury remains dedicated to an industry-centric focus, presenting avenues like Hospitality and Music studies.

Distributing VCE studies over three years offers a manageable workload and promotes a harmonious approach to school life. This balance extends to co-curricular activities, including Sports, the Arts, community engagement, and cultural endeavors. In this sphere, students can nurture their talents alongside their academic pursuits, thereby fostering a well-rounded skill set.


School Life in Haileybury

Sport occupies a central and cherished role in the life of Haileybury, standing as a pivotal conduit for forging social bonds, nurturing resilience, and fostering overall wellbeing. The sporting landscape caters to students spanning from Middle School to Senior School, while the Early Learning Centre (ELC) and Junior School students actively partake in enriching Physical Education lessons.

Haileybury's spirited engagement in interschool sports with other Associated Public Schools (APS) starts at Year 5 and extends through Year 12 for boys, while for girls, it involves a collaborative participation spanning both the Associated Public Schools and the Associated Grammar Schools Victoria (AGSV). This robust framework ensures holistic participation, with students immersing themselves in both intra-school House sports and interschool competitions, a tradition followed diligently from Years 5 to 12.

The annual sporting calendar reflects the diverse seasons, encompassing both summer and winter sports. During the sunlit months, students can opt for Badminton, Cricket, Golf, Squash, Tennis, Triathlon, and Volleyball, while the colder months usher in a comprehensive spectrum of choices including Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Netball, Soccer, and Rugby. Spring marks the time for Athletics and Water Polo, encapsulating the year-round fervor for active engagement.

Haileybury's Curious Minds program embodies a visionary reimagining of existing extra-curricular activities, fostering a more unified approach that elevates student engagement. Anchored in the digital realm through the online platform myLearning, this innovative initiative extends students' reach to invaluable resources. The program's micro-credentialing system, HYCreds, adds an extra layer of recognition, validating students' skills and fervor in their respective fields.

Delving into the realms of innovation and academic extension, the Curious Minds program casts its net from Prep to Year 12. It offers a range of thought-provoking opportunities, from Model United Nations and Haileybury Hive to Digitech Explorers and competitions like Tournament of Minds, Future Problem Solving, and the Human Powered Vehicle Energy Breakthrough. This comprehensive platform equips students with not only knowledge but also the thinking agility to embrace future pathways and opportunities.


Accommodation in Haileybury

When it comes to finding a suitable place to stay near Haileybury College in Australia, students and their families have a range of options to consider. These accommodations are designed to accommodate different preferences and requirements, ensuring that students have a comfortable and conducive living environment while pursuing their education.

One popular choice is homestay accommodation, where students live with local families. This provides a chance to experience the local culture firsthand while benefiting from a supportive family environment. Haileybury College often partners with trusted homestay agencies to ensure the welfare of students.

For those who value independence, rental apartments near the college offer a private living space. This option allows students to create their own environment and routines.

Future Prospects after study in Haileybury

Haileybury stands as a celebrated pinnacle among independent schools both within Australia and beyond its borders, a distinction achieved through the harmonious convergence of several distinct elements that synergistically transcend the individual parts. This amalgamation comprises avant-garde pedagogical approaches, a cadre of exceptional educators, stellar academic achievements, a pronounced global outlook, and a profound educational legacy dating back to its inception in 1892.

The year 2022 bore testament to Haileybury's unwavering commitment to excellence, as evidenced by the resounding achievements in the VCE results. These accomplishments resonated with a 100% pass rate, complemented by the remarkable attainment of seven ATAR scores of 99.95 – a testament to the institution's dedication to nurturing exceptional scholars. Furthermore, an impressive 97% of students secured a coveted place within the upper echelons of the top 40% of academic performers across Australia.

Haileybury's prowess extends well beyond its classroom walls. With a profound international outlook, the institution lays a strong foundation for its students' global perspectives. Moreover, Haileybury's holistic approach to education provides students with the tools to navigate post-secondary education pathways with dexterity.

In line with its commitment to nurturing versatile graduates, Haileybury also keeps a vigilant eye on career prospects. Graduates are well-equipped to explore work opportunities in Australia and beyond, capitalizing on their holistic skill set honed within the institution's nurturing environment.

Furthermore, Haileybury's international stance is attuned to the contemporary workforce landscape. Its graduates stand poised to explore work permit opportunities in diverse countries, thereby enriching their global exposure and professional growth.


In case, if you need help with Guardianship and Homestay for international students in order to study in Haileybury or other schools in Australia, please fill in application below or contact us directly.