Homestay Finder Australia

Homestay Finder Australia

Homestay Finder Australia
Homestay Finder Australia

Homestay for students in Australia

The Custodian Australia is a great option as a Homestay Finder in different States of Australia. Our Company has around 250 families all over Australia, who are ready to accommodate International students all over the world. All our familes have passed in-person house inspection and criminal record check. When you are looking for a reliable Homestay Finder in Australia, you have to be aware about the average weekly fees of host family, which is around $350-$400 AUD and our Company placement fees: $700 AUD. In most cases, Homestay funder in Australia and their host families and student residences ask a minimum 2 month boooking for future accommodation in a new Country. Homestay Finder in Australia helps to provide welfare arrangement and Guardinaship service for minor International student, who prefer to Study in Secondary or Post-Secondary schools in Asutralia. It should be mentioned, that all minor International students must have Asutralian Guardianship in order to get admission to school and apply for student visa together with required 157N Guardianship Form.

Most International families and their children prefer to get Homestay Finder in Australia with aim to find Homestay and provide a Family atmosphere for the Child in a new Country, same as their kids had in their native country. It is rather affordable and comfortable accommodation option for the students, taking into account that there are 2-3 meals Per Day inlcuded in Homestay package of any Homestay Finder in Australia.


Homestay Finder Australia:Student Residence in Australia

It should be mentioned, that some students have option to live in student residence of particular University or Boarding accommodation option in Secondary school in Australia. There are some schools, which have their own accommodation and Boarding student housing Close to their school or in the same building of their school. It is a Great option for well-organized students and also a chance to make a new friends, improve English proficiency and discover new cultures. Student Residence is a Great experience for families and their children, who can afford such type of accommodation. It is highly recommended to check for available seats in each particular residence, as it is rather competitive accommodation and is rather limited.


Homestay Finder Australia
Homestay Finder Australia

Homestay Finder Australia:Private Student Accommodation

International students, who are already reached the mature country age in Australia, have a chance to rent their own private accommodation during their study in College or University. In most cases, students prefer to share the rent fees and live together in private student's accommodation. However, it would be not so easy, as the local landlords ask for previous landlords' references, proof of income and 1st and last upront payment in order to consider the applicant as a potential future tenant and Lease their appartment for the future students. In most cases, students choose the Homestay for the 1st year of their stay in Australia and as soon as they get local documents and part time job, students  decide to move to their private accomodation and live along or with other room mates or friends.


In case, if you need to get Help from Homstay Provider in Australia with Accommodation, Homestay and Guardianship for International students, please fill in Application below or contact us directly.


Main Application

For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 79