Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School
Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School, fondly referred to as Normo, is a highly regarded academically selective secondary day school exclusively for boys. Situated in the charming suburb of Normanhurst on the prestigious Upper North Shore of Sydney, Australia, the school has earned a consistent reputation for academic excellence. In fact, it proudly secured the seventh position in the state based on the remarkable achievements of its students in the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC) results in 2020.

Having been established in 1958, Normanhurst Boys High School has a rich history of providing exceptional education. With an enrollment of approximately 730 students spanning from Year 7 to Year 12, the school maintains its commitment to academic excellence by admitting students based on their academic merit. Renowned for its high entry standards, the institution proudly stands as one of the top ten schools in New South Wales.



Normanhurst Boys High School, affectionately known as Normo, offers a comprehensive and constantly evolving curriculum tailored to meet the needs and interests of talented boys. The school is committed to delivering the best educational outcomes, which is reflected in its dynamic pattern of study.

Normanhurst Boys High School places great emphasis on fostering strong engagement and providing abundant opportunities for students to immerse themselves in areas of learning where they can strive for academic excellence and cultivate a lifelong passion for learning. In the senior school, extensive support and guidance are provided to students and parents in preparing for post-school academic options, including access to highly sought-after university scholarships and awards. As part of this commitment to tertiary preparation, the school offers course acceleration options for boys who demonstrate exceptional giftedness and readiness for advanced study.

The school consistently scans the needs of its students to identify ways to capitalize on their strengths and engage them in accelerated courses. These opportunities enable students to perform at a high level and gain advanced standing in the HSC credential, and in some cases, towards university courses. Normanhurst Boys High School currently offers accelerated courses such as Information Processes and Technology, Chemistry, Society and Culture, and Geography.

Students at Normanhurst Boys High School are presented with numerous opportunities to explore their passions and interests in specific subject areas through extension programs within their chosen subjects. The school offers extension courses in English, Mathematics, Languages, History, and Music, allowing students to delve deeper into their areas of interest and expand their knowledge and skills.

Transitioning to high school is an exciting time for students as they adjust to a new school environment, make new friends, and adapt to the different teaching styles and classrooms for each subject. Normanhurst Boys High School's learning community aims to develop the unique gifts of each student and emphasizes achieving personal best while fostering a strong sense of belonging to Team Normo. This supportive atmosphere of camaraderie and team solidarity encourages students to be resilient and persevere when faced with challenges.

Normanhurst Boys High School provides ample opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities, including competitions, exhibitions, sports, performances, and special events. These activities further enhance students' personal growth, foster their talents, and promote a well-rounded education.

Throughout their journey at Normanhurst Boys High School, students undergo important assessments to monitor their progress and support their development. In Year 7, students sit the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test, which assesses their skills in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The results of the NAPLAN test help teachers and parents identify individual literacy and numeracy needs and guide targeted support.

As students progress to Year 8, they continue their studies and participate in the Validation of Assessment 4 Learning and Individual Development (VALID) test. This multimedia assessment, known as VALID Science 8, provides valuable insights into students' achievements and informs their educational journey in Year 9.

In Year 8, students also make important decisions regarding their elective subjects for Years 9 and 10. They are encouraged to consider their interests, strengths, past performance, and future career options when choosing their elective subjects, which allow them to explore their passions and broaden their academic horizons.

Normanhurst Boys High School provides dedicated careers advice to help students make informed educational choices, define their career directions, and prepare for future study and training. The school's Careers Adviser assists students based on their aptitude and aspirations, taking into account the many different study options available. Early engagement and seeking advice are encouraged to ensure students are well-prepared for their future endeavors.

Year 10 is a significant year for students as they make exciting educational and life choices for the years ahead. During the second semester of Year 10, students must decide on the courses they will study in Years 11 and 12, taking into consideration their abilities, interests, and future career plans and options. They may also consider vocational education and training, school-based apprenticeships, or traineeships.

Year 11 marks the beginning of preparations for the Higher School Certificate (HSC), requiring students to establish effective routines that balance their study commitments with other aspects of their lives. The subjects studied in Year 11 are preliminary subjects for the HSC, with the Year 12 Course commencing from Term 4 of Year 11. Normanhurst Boys High School provides comprehensive support to ensure students are well-equipped for success in their HSC exams.

Year 12 is a busy and significant time for students as they dedicate themselves to HSC studies and plan for life after school. Normanhurst Boys High School continues to provide guidance and assistance throughout this critical period, helping students navigate their HSC exams and make informed decisions about their future pathways.

Sport plays an integral role in the education of students at Normanhurst Boys High School, with participation in sports and physical activities being mandatory from Years 7 to 11. The school values and embraces sport and physical activity as an essential part of its curriculum, contributing to the holistic development of students. Through sports, students not only improve their physical abilities but also learn important social, emotional, and moral lessons. Normanhurst Boys High School encourages participation, enjoyment, and skill development, and students have opportunities to represent the school in inter-school sports competitions coordinated by school sport associations.

Normanhurst Boys High School
Normanhurst Boys High School

School Life in Normanhurst Boys High School

Normanhurst Boys High School takes great pride in its commitment to providing a holistic learning environment, which is one of the school's key strategic directions. The school strives to create an educational atmosphere that encourages students to embrace authentic learning opportunities and cultivate a passion for lifelong learning. Normanhurst Boys High School nurtures qualities such as adaptability, resilience, empathy, humility, and tolerance among its students.

Aligned with the Department of Education's High Potential and Gifted Education policy, Normanhurst Boys High School places a strong emphasis on talent development across four domains: Intellectual, Creative, Socio-emotional, and Physical. The Talent Development program, incorporating both external and internal identification processes, offers a range of opportunities to nurture and extend individual student skills. Students have access to various programs such as Robotics, Chess, Debating, Filmmaking, Drama Ensemble, and elite sporting opportunities. Specialized coordinators guide students through workshops, invite guest lecturers, and facilitate participation in external competitions, allowing students to advance their talents and showcase their development.

Normanhurst Boys High School is proud to have its students actively participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This inspiring and enriching program is available to all students who choose to participate, offering them a rewarding experience that promotes personal growth, leadership skills, and community engagement.

Accommodation in Normanhurst Boys High School

Finding suitable accommodation near Normanhurst Boys High School is important for students and their families. Fortunately, there are several options to consider that cater to different preferences and needs.

One option is to explore rental properties in the area. Another option is to consider homestays, especially for international students or those looking for a supportive family environment. Normanhurst Boys High School may have arrangements with homestay providers or agencies that can connect students with local families. Homestays offer the opportunity to immerse oneself in the local culture and practice language skills.

For students seeking purpose-built student accommodation, there may be options available near the school.

Future Prospects

Normanhurst Boys High School expects students to maintain a regular study routine for all subjects throughout the week, fostering independent responsibility without the need for constant reminders. It's important to note that the Preliminary course is relatively short, consisting of only three terms before transitioning to HSC studies in Term 4. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage a consistent and disciplined study schedule starting from the first week of Term 1. Normanhurst Boys High School provides a study timetable that allows students to allocate dedicated time after school and on weekends for revision, summarization, and practice of sample questions.

For students who choose to leave school before completing the HSC, they may be eligible to receive a Record of School Assessment (RoSA), which recognizes their achievements up until that point. It's important to note that these minimum standard tests are not required for students pursuing the RoSA.


In case, if you need help with Guardianship, Homestay and Welfare Services in order to study in Normanhurst Boys High School or other schools in Australia, please fill in application below or contact us directly.



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