Become an Agent - Improve your service in Australia


Guardianship Services
All States in Australia & New Zealand
6 month-12 month
Admission Services
200+ Partner Schools in Australia
+School Application Fees
Study Visa
Immigration Professionals
+Embassy Fees
Student Hotels & Homestay
+Family Weekly Fees: $350-$400

Refund Policy

The Custodian will be able to provide of 50% of Guardianship Service fees in case of international student visa is rejected. In any other cases, Guardianship fee is non-refundable.

The Custodian's service fee for student visa application to Australia is non-refundable together with Embassy fees.

The Custodian is in charge for Tuition fees deposit refund from partner schools, in case of student visa is rejected, if client used our free admission services to Australia and ordered Guardianship services.

The Custodian provides refund of Homestay & Accommodation fees in case of visa rejection and/or 1 month cancellation notice. Accommodation arrangement fees are non-refundable.


For quality services - start working with us today